Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Watch your step

It’s nice to know where you're headed. Preplanning many times brings the results you are looking for. It’s called thinking things out in advance. Chin up thinking, and looking into the direction you are headed many times brings you to where to you wanted to be.

But what have you missed by doing so?
Having and using Omni-perspectives offers many advantages, like avoiding objects or obstacles directly under foot. Captain Smith could have looked starboard and seen the iceberg his ship was about to plow into. Captain Cook could have looked both ways before stepping ashore on the big Island of Hawaii; had he done so he might never have been buried a long way from home. Or if Columbus would have called AAA Trip Planning for the correct direction to China he wouldn’t have headed off in the wrong direction.

What’s under foot? An open man hole? Or the end of a 200’cliff?
The old saw of "look before you leap" can save you a body cast, or a few bucks if we are looking at a quick deal.

What I am saying here is that I went for a walk out upon our snow covered frozen lake. With my English Springer bouncing along, chasing make believe winter butterflies, we traveled along the lake about 50’ from shore. The wind through the pines was talking to us in a northern twang. It was a beautiful morning and I couldn’t kept my eye off nature’s panarama in front of me.

All at once one leg was shorter than the other due to the fact I had stepped into an ice fishing hole. It was a complete face plant. I went right through the snow into the slush face first.

It was a morning bath, nature’s wake up call in 30 degree water. Oh, joy, it’s the season!


At 10:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch that first step, Wobbin- it's a doozie!

At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to make a boring walk interesting..........


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