Monday, April 10, 2006

There is a huge void. It’s between the Christmas holiday season and May Day. It’s the time of the year that’s in never-never land, a land of gray fog banks and blank stares. We are now just coming out of this tail spin. It’s a time when we all need a good jolt of something and that something that doesn’t come in a bottle.

I don’t care where you live in good or fowl weather or next door to paradise a break from whatever and where you are is needed. Everyone needs a break in their status quo, a big shaken up and I don’t mean a head on.

Due to some things beyond my control I haven’t "broken away" in over a year.
Oh, I’ve taken a day or two trip drive down the driveway road the road was long enough. And that break away I am talking about should come in the oh-hum time of the year, Dec.- April.

I am not alone on this for a "spring break" has been a national item for decades. The only problem is that it’s not recognized as a legal nation break plus it comes at all different times from area to area. We need to start a movement both to legalize spring vacation and standardize it’s date and length.

To start the band wagon rolling we need a real corker of a name, maybe "Tan & Burn? Well almost but you get my point… any ideas?


At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It doesn't matter whether you live in fowl (sic) weather..."? I think this self-deception is at the root of your problem. You don't get it. In some places Dec.-April is a delightful time and the need to get-away is not present.

I know a couple who are in Florida golfing and very happy. They did something about the Dec-April funk rather than complain. They're also a couple that I thought least likely (other than yourselves) to do something about it.

They only need to get away from May-Nov. But, that's a different story.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Up North said...

I don't care where you live.. that's not it. The point is it's a long time from "May to December" as the song goes.... people need a break from Dah Dah land, where ever they live in their own minds. 60 days in heaven can be hell if there isn't a break, call it office fever, cabin fever, island fever or moutain fever a change of prespective cleans the slate. I.M.H.O.

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't get it. "Just do it" already!

At 8:37 AM, Blogger Up North said...

I'd like to but I can't find it like the end of your rainbow


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