Saturday, April 08, 2006

What lies beneath?

For months there was a beautiful cover of white snow. Yes I said beautiful. No I am not regretting the presence of spring. What I am regretting is what I left undone last fall and all the half finish projects that are on "OUR" to do list which was thankful covered by mounds of snow.

Yesterday instead of attacking the foot long list I sat back and calculated the amount of time required too make a dent in the list. By rough estimates it will be mid December went things are caught up with but that’s not allowing for any playtime (fishing & golfing).

One item, which I had to add, was road repair. Apparently while plowing a late season snow storm a had the plow at an improper angle and dug a long hole in the drive., that’s got to be fixed. Then there’s a need to cut and split firewood an on and on an on…

I think I’ll put off some of the hard stuff and get to the really important items, like putting new line on my fishing reels, cleaning up the boat and painting the dock…
wait a minute the Masters golf tournament is on talk to you all later….


At 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

New line on the fishing reels? Most of that line has never seen the water!


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