Thursday, April 06, 2006

Great Expectations….

All the excising, all the mental gymnastics, all the forward thinking down the drain with just one swing of a golf club, make that several swings.
Looking forward to something that you have been away from for months is very trying. I can only compare it to a jail prisoner counting off the days to his of her release.

The anticipation in enough to cause ulcers or worse, baldness.
For months we have looked outside, one word, ugly. Then finally we see some melting outside, oh joy spring! Well almost, for it will be weeks before we are allowed on a golf course up here. So, I packed a bag and headed south…… south is anywhere out of the snow line where some very wise golf course owner has his sign up "Open for Business".

We’ve watched the West Coast swing, then the Florida swing, sat through March madness so now it’s your turn to swing. After a day’s drive south I teed it up… Took a few practice swings… and told myself…‘easy’ on the back swing…I pulled the trigger and pound the first ball deep into the woods. Well then, I simply made a slight adjustment turning this and that, took another swing and a second ball followed the first deep into the woods .

GOLF, what a grand game.
It’s 95% mental, 15% physical... not off the tee I’m shooting 6, I am dead in the game extremely alive, but whose counting!


At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog always goes well with my morning cup of coffee--it's a jolt!

Let's see, among other typos and such--"95% mental and 15% physical?" Yeah, it's been a long winter and still going.

At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's ok robin we know you always give 110% even if it's 6 off the tee.


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