Saturday, March 25, 2006


I am not talking about that shirt tail cousin who ran off with the family inheritance. Today we are talking about cause and affects, the Ying and the Yang. It’s what Newton stated "that for every action there is an equal opposite reaction." Isaac Newton not Fig….

Have you ever noticed that when something happens, something else happens? I mean that there isn’t a constant, even a glass of water can be unhealthy. Follow me on this, I am going to throw out to you some words and I want you to picture in your mind an after effect -
A News Years Eve Party…..
Working out…..
A surprise birthday Party…
The discovery of life on Mars….
An uncle leaves you his estate…

All of the above you would think would have a POSITIVE effect, but let’s look at it the other another possibility ….

A News Years Party always means you’ve had one to many and you’ve broken your resolution right out of the box.

Your daily workouts are fine, your doctor would be proud, but if followed by hunger attacks solved only by Big Mac’s and a banana split, what’s the use?

Then there is the shock of a "Surprise" stopping your heart and you lap into eternity all due to your family’s kindly surprise party.

And what if we were to find life on Mars? and they turned out to be identical us? I couldn’t handle another Me nor my wife. It’d be good material for Arthur Clark's Sci-Fi but…

Then your wealthy uncle dies and leaves his estate. Good news to you but it happens to included a massive snake and reptile collection (the bad news).
This would give me the shakes.

And so what is so innocent about a glass of water?
Just spill it on a frozen sidewalk forgetting that it’s there then walking over it later on and landing on your fanny. There is a simple moral here…
"be content with an upright water glass and a fig newton."


At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think a break in the Cedar Falls Road routine is REALLY in order.

otherwise it's the rubber room for you.

you have the new wheels... point all four anywhere southward and burn some gas.

it's either vacate the premisis or say hello to the nice people in the white coats

At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 150 hp on a pontoon boat would make it easier to take the top off quicker. A sorprise party that has already been leaked is not a surprise. A trip 365 miles south to 60 degree weather meaning indoor and outdoor golf with a Hawkeye and Irish guy starting next Wed for you and Fri for Huntski would let you recommbobulate

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Have you ever noticed that when something happens, something else happens?".....


We're talking DEEP here, folks.

At 6:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big brother has it right.

It's these kinds of ramblings and deep thoughts that drove us to South America away from a long winter in the northwoods.

Radon and/or carbon monoxide poisoning is at work here perhaps.

Follow big brother's and my repeated advice and point the van (still don't get that) south. Don't hesitate. Leave immediately! You have little time. You're in great danger!

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There hope.

A new procedure called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation promises a vast improvement over traditional ECT by using pulsed magnetic fields to induce currents inside the brain. A drawback for ECT is that the skull is an effective insulator, so high voltages are required to penetrate it. ECT cannot be applied with much precision. The skull presents no barrier to magnetic fields, so TMS can be delicately and precisely controlled.

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was that? TMS, I thought only one type of gender had it


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