Thursday, March 23, 2006

I am Thinking about One Word….
The word is why?
Man has used the word why to try and figure out what the brain can not comprehend (like this blog site). In the days of yore the great thinkers of the day always started with the simple question of why. Then they spent their lives trying to answer why.

Three simple letters and volumes later the great thinkers have left us with thoughts that could be written in stone, cast in bronze or set ablaze on public buildings.

In 1952 the University of Chicago along with the Encyclopedia Britannia collaborated in producing the Great Books series. These are 54 volumes of hard bound thoughts of the great thinkers covering a time span from Homer (no not Simpson) who asked WHY to Freud who asked how come?

In 1970 there was a knock at our door. I answered and it was a book salesman. He asked , "WHY go around the rest of your life asking WHY? .. you can have the answer to WHY in this here handy set of 54 books." For 10 easy payments of $100 plus shipping I could find every answer to the question of WHY. So I bit. Now 36 years later I ask the question, " WHY haven’t I ever used \the books in answering ta very simple question….
Why are we here in the universe?" …Heavy hey?

I leave you with one more Why…. Why are you reading this, wasting time when outside there is a great day going on? Get with it! Then later tonight you can tune in and watch Bradley U. upset another school, this time it’s Memphis University Why? Because it’s nice to see little guys kick butt.


At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to see little guys kick butt? Gee whiz, thanks for the sore butt. Signed: KU loyalist

At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not comparing butts, however.....

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A famous wise man after being approached by a Great Books salesman fro Anderson, Indiana said in a very succicnt yet knowledgable voice -- "I don't care"


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