Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Two years ago was the last time I walked the fields of the heartland with shotgun in hand. It was October and the cornfields were nearly picked clean. We were just out side a little town called Tama, Iowa. It’s claim to fame is that it’s a stone throw from the big bright lights of the new Native American Gaming Casino. A group of us would drive down from Wisconsin and spend four or five days looking for Iowa’s game bird, the ring-neck Pheasant and then tried the other gaming.

As a lad my Pop would take me out in the late fall around Davenport Iowa. The object was to teach his young son a respect for nature. And he introduced me to bird hunting with a field dog, our dog was a Scotty, go figure.

At this point in his life Dad was a wee bit out of shape but it was a true memory that I care with me and tried to pass along to my son. The only problem is that time alters things. This is true not only of number of things past but of one of his physical abilities. Now a days I too am out of shape, half a day in the field and my buns are dragging just as did my fathers.

So I was with friends paying $80 for an Iowa hunting License then another $400 for motel, food, Captain Morgan and God knows in the casino all for the right to blow holes in the Iowa air. After ½ a box of shells I had one bird in the bag, not much to put on the table for our annual dinner party with friends. Fortunately, several of my friends had better “luck” nailing a few more birds. SO into the freeze they went added to a few birds from the prior year we had enough for a dinner party.

Three new birds and three old birds. How old were they? I had forgotten, anyway out came a special receipt and the birds were cooked and our guests were served. We also served a lot of wine especially to the guest that got the OLD birds. I got an old bird myself and had to open another wine bottle. My bird had been in the freezer for too two many years… and putting it ‘under glass’ didn’t help a bit.


At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You didn't go far enough south!!!

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never knew that Angus III was a "hunting" dog though he did go after Pretty Boy. Fortunately for Pretty Boy Angus proved to be no "hunting "dog.

At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scottish Terriers are not the best field dogs, come to think of it they aren't much of a house dog. Scotties are great at keeping bears away from your door step. They aren't to bright up stairs which is why George W has one. There are too many bears around the White House and as we all know a pet take after it's master.

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are still posting after babysitting Mr. Brown. Amazed Rosebud let you out of the house. Angus never ran away did he.

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Up North said...

That dog chomped down in a mailman's leg and never let go, heck of away to go around life with a dog attached to your leg


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