Saturday, March 11, 2006

Simple Product Directions…

Manufacturers spend millions printing easy to use instructions. Most are written for the age level of a six-year-old. They come with everything we buy. Even cereal boxes have instructions on how to open. They are written in various languages not as an aid to the international market to save the manufacturer costs. I don’t know about you but my Slavic is not up to speed. (Nor is my English)

As we all know there are not 30 or 31 days in February. There is something like 28 days or is it 29 every other year due to fact that we all must take a flying leap. I firmly do not believe in this February thing and feel each month should have 30 and ½ days each.

As for other bits’ of time…I have this great new watch which a friend gave me (bless his heart) and it’s got a little window which tells you the day of the month. Naturally you have to reset the thing at the end of the month by taking out the instructions which are misplaced.

Now then, if I should be a day early or late with a Blog posting please do not blame me, it’s the damn watch that I can’t reset. I just can't count on anything except my dog who knows it's dinner time or time for a walk.


At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the dog go to Katie's. Maybe the blog responsiblty should go to the dog

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Up North said...

My dog is less responsible than you or I, although she guards her food dish with a passion, very similar to my drink glass sitting on Whitman's Bar.

At 1:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Wobbin. at your age, time goes so fast that it will be not time until your month will be here. Just don't reset the calendar - Wait for it to come around

At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure it's not just Katie telling you when to go where, I'd bet the other little lady in the house knows exactly what time it is.


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