Friday, March 03, 2006

Dumped ON….

Another 6 inches fell last night, snow that is…. Sure the first three months of the stuff have been a wonder. This new white stuff is coating and hanging on the trees making the woods a true marvel. It keeps coming until quite a few older tree snap taking down our electric power lines.

Of course without power several things don’t work; like lights, the computer for Blogging, and more important the furnace which keeps the home fires burning. Out come the long johns, wool socks, oil lamps heavy coats, and then it’s time to stoke up the fireplace. Also, when there is a power outage our water pump dosen't as well, meaning I can’t do the dishes ( which I sledom do ) nor can we use the bathroom and flushes are out of question.

We are praying that it will let’s up and the power comes back on. Yet, there are some saving graces. First, we save on LP gas use and electric power use plus we don’t have to worry anything food in or freezer soiling. Our house is colder the insiders of the freezer.
Much later......
The power is back on, now I can transfer this blog into the computer, it was hand written, can't you tell, then go plow the driveway, see ya.


At 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fred alerted me so I went on-line and say the picture and read the first in the series of your book. Great job!!! Clair must be as proud of you two as you two are of her. I still think Ken was better looking then and he still is!! But, you did have nice hair in those days. Where did it go????

At 5:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay - saw the picture. Okay - Kent Okay, but really, where is the hair??

At 8:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when is the movie?

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

look at the bright side... snow turns, eventually to WATER. unless we want to rename the Lake 16 or 15 it would be great if your were doing daily snow dances on the deck rather than wearing out the poor old treadmill or complaining. i don't want to be able to walk across the lake this summer. plus, the fish would be happier:)

At 6:39 AM, Blogger Up North said...

I got out to the end of the drive plwing and got the plow, truck and myself buried in one (Ken Smedberg) big ass snow bank. It took Rosebud 2 hours of shoveling to get it free while I walked the dog... got to watch the by-pass thing, and milk it for all it's worth.


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