Monday, February 20, 2006

Easy to Follow Instructions…. 2/20/06

I am working on improving this Blog Spot. The content needs to be kicked up a bit and so do the graphics. With this thought in mind I unwrapped a late Christmas present and oh, joy it was a Canon Digital Camera. Thank you, thank you, dearest kids, who went together and got us this wonderful present; now we are only ten years behind technologically.

Shirley, this ought to liven up the Blog (and don’t call me Shirley). Now I can illustrate what I am trying to describe and save thousand of words, for pictures are worth mucho paragragho. Simple, I told myself. Then I opened the Guia del usuario de la camera…. You got it. The instructions are all in Espanol. It’s a Spanish camera meant for the California market or as we Midwesterners call it, northern Mexico.

I spent half a day converting my little Latin language knowledge into Espanol then back to Latin then into English. After finishing page two I knew I had a problem… this would take months. Then I remembered my French Lawn Mower. The owner’s manual was written in two languages. What you did was flip it to the backside and read forward in another language, English.

So I went back the to Canon Camera owner’s manual and flipped it to the backside and found
Pare’lve Franca…. What I am saying here is that it may be a few more Blogs till we have the sights of summer in northern Wisconsin…. We need a common language in dollar domination. If by chance you are wondering about the photo, it isn't cheeseland. It's of the rings of Saturn, no, not the car and one of it's satelites, the moon Giles.


At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having checked with the DNR and the Oneida County Sheriffs Department, we have verified that the picture on todays blog is, in reality, a picture of Mr Wobbins auto outside of Whitmans. In further questioning, it has been confirmed, bu Mr Winger and Mr. Gasper, that this photo was taken inadvertently by said recovering rascal Wobbin while he was looking for the his keys to open the car and start the engine. Date and time are inconclusive, however, his wife indicated that he has been spending a lot of time golfing. Hmmmm, 22 below and golfing. Hmmmm.... Trust but Verify

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, as of two weeks ago, it was six more weeks of winter. In northern Wisconsin it would be twelve. So that's ten more weeks of blogging until some sun will appear again and perhaps/perhaps a loon or two will appear.

So, let's see, ten weeks from now would be around mid-April. So, I was too optimistic! Mid-May would be about right for ice breakup and room for some loon landing spots if there's any water left in the lake. Gee, that might mean 14-16 more weeks of blogging before we see "summerlike" pic's of the northwoods. Even then there wouldn't be any leaves on trees or flowers bursting forth.

We'd all like to see winter pic's which you can provide seemingly for quite a while. (Ya know, brown snow, blackened snow, white snow, plowed snow, caked snow, er yellow snow, frozen snow, snow mixed with sand, ice with snow, snow cones(?), you shoveling snow, Rosebud playing in snow, you looking for your keys and/or glasses in the snow, and lastly, various shades of gray so common in those parts).

You should know that you can use "bablfish" from Alta Vista to translate Spanish to English should you get anxious. Also, the Mrs. will be there soon to provide expert assistance with Senor Canon.

Empowered with this knowledge, you can kickback and go to Whitman's free from "instruction stress" either from the camera or someone else we know......

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sacred cardinal rule for all shutterbugs; newbies or pros...remove the lens cover.

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another tip after you've removed the lens cover and ready to proceed to read the spanish instructions...


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