Friday, February 17, 2006


In today fast paced world, isn’t time to slow down and ask … Why or Who and How?

WHO are the biggest losers? I am not talking about you stock market guys… but about a TV show featuring some very over weight people working their buns off to lose weight. They those air head TV executives except us to watch folks sweat? This has got to be the ultimate waste of time. Folks here watch it on their sofa while eating deep fat fried cheese balls.

WHY haven’t we come up with an alternate energy source? …. It’s been thirty years since there were gas lines and prices that were through the roof. Back then President Nixon told us we had a problem… we still do because we haven’t done anything. No, there aren’t gas lines like there were, we just can’t afford the stuff any more. Instead of Congress giving themselves another raise for jobs undone, let’s put their next raise into figuring out how to burn water in our cars.

HOW is it we put a man on the moon and we can’t come up with a simple federal tax program?
Just think of all the government employees and private accountants that would all of a sudden have to come up with a way of adding to the GNP if we simplified the tax system. Then again it might put quite a few attorneys out of business, that would be a shame!

WHO are the biggest complainers? …. It always the person in the back of the line. It’s the person who shows up late and expects a seat in the front row. It’s the me, me, me folks. May I cut in?

WHY can’t we quit faulting others? …. It’s because we find it hard seeing faults in ourselves.

HOW did I get into serious questioning? …. I looked into a mirror, shocking!


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Friday PM... I just looked at the outside temp -10 and headed to -25 to -30 so for the next two day I will be hauling fire wood, much rather be hauling butt south but.... can't wail till Fidel expires and we all can play is the Cubian surf. BLogs to be continued Monday if my back doesn't go out hauling fire wood

At 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

.......and just two weeks ago you were complaining about global warming.


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