Monday, February 13, 2006


Many people have asked (make that a few)… How did you get started down the right road so early in life? Well the answer is you need the right help at the right time.

Fortunately, I am left handed, so I had left handed tutors in the beginning of things. Literally, someone noticed early on that I was not following the path that others lead, namely Craig Johnson. Everything Craig did I did backwards. Where he crossed his t’s, I crossed my k’s. Where he dotted his I’s , I dotted my o’s. This was not due to a rebellious nature on my part. Oh, no, for I thought I was doing it just like everyone else.

So after staying after school for weeks and failing to get it, mother hired an outside tutor for the winter. Yet, I found myself in third grade once again still dotting my o’s. To this day I still dot my o’s thanks in part to my wonderful third grade teacher(s).

Jimmy V said, “Never give up!” With this thought in mind I went on to fourth grade. Then later I tried many a time to do a two-ski dock start, water-skiing. It wasn’t till I got smart and went for help at FRY BROS. SKI SCHOOL that I found a correct ski instructor, Mrs. Fry. Now I am not saying I could not have learned a two-ski start with my brother’s guidance, but drowning was a good possibility at the time.

This same lesson applies across the board, for the last person who should teach you something is a family expert or a friend. It is a known fact that people just don’t listen to either. It’s always the guy down the block or in the next village that’s a true out of town expert.

NEWS FLASH: Tune in tomorrow for proof of Alien life forms, This blog site just recieved a photo of men from Mars... no one on this planet would be caught dead with what they have on, double knit sports coarts.


At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first paragraph is confusing--but then everything is upsidedown down here.

It just gets curiouser and curiouser.

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever attempted to use spell check? By the way I never knew you could make a two ski dock start.

At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you neglected to mention in your post of your boastful claim that you were FULLY DEVELOPED at 13; which makes it understandable perhaps why people be it family, friends or strangers may have been giving you left-handed advice during the rest of your formative years?

At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for another lefty to come to the aid of his one-time countryman (three months in Illinois, other than Peoria, ugh)I must stand alongside you and proclaim my total agreement -- Never listen to directions from your wife or someone from Equador

At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ecuador is spelled in this manner for the benefit of uneduqated cheeseheads and farmers in Iowa.

I think the claim was 12 years old, but exaggeration is commonly permitted on this blog. No--perhaps it's the rule.

At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of you... make that most of you missed a prior blog concerning spelling grammar and a class in logic, all is forgiven but don't come home.


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