Saturday, February 04, 2006

Sorry…. I have to post three days in advance as I will be on the road visiting an old friend
who is in need of some smiles….. he also needs some of your good thoughts!

Selling at the right time… 2/6/06

Many of you have asked… “How are you so successful?” The answer is complicated. I have this system of playing the markets. It’s knowing what’s hot and what’s not, and that’s not all.

A wise investment sage once wrote… “There will be growth in the spring”. I tried applying this to my system and it almost worked. But what in the heck was the sage talking about? Which spring and what growth? Our spring happens to fall in the months of May/June, but to the other half of the world, the southern hemisphere, their spring is September/October. So if you’re in Australia or Ecuador you are either 6 months ahead or behind. If you are following the markets this could be very confusing especially if you are a confused person.

Now as to growth… if your living room wall turns green you have a problem, the same holds with unwanted things either on your body or out in your lawn. This is not the economic growth that we wise investors are looking for. If it were we would go out planting dollars in the yard hoping they turn into green backs.

For years I practiced buying high selling low. This just didn’t quite work and it got us on the wrong side of a downward curve. Finally I wised up and when faced with a “what in the hell do I do decision” I would ask a simple question… what would mom do? She was always right.

Know it alls… 2/7/06

I just read an article in our paper, the Lakeland Times, from Jan. 24th. Yes, I am always a little late in reading our local rag. Actually I was using the paper to start the fire in our wood stove. According to the article it stated “Health” Magazine said the most depressing day of the year was Jan 24th. Holiday bills come due on this day and by now New Year’s resolutions are out the window, plus it is usually cold and dark.

Then the article pushes a book on you entitled “ A Life of Balance” by Dr. Kathleen Hall.
Dr Hall offers tips to creature happiness and energy in your life. Here are a few of her tips.

FOOD: suggestion - get the family involved. Family members set up the menu and have something different than the normal. The Doc suggests mango salad and black bean lasagna, gag… how about a great steak with mushrooms and onions.

COLOR: suggestion - bright colors make a happy person. The Doc suggests bright colored table cloths and bedding (this ought keep you awake at night). You should accessorize your wardrobe with a bright scarf and shoes… how would you look going to the office with a pink scarf and yellow shoes, not me thank you.

HAVE FUN: suggestion – turn the TV off two nights a week and play board games, cards or watch a funny movie. The Doc says this will get your endorphins going… what the heck is an endorphin? The last time I checked they were OK. I had to hold two mirrors upside down to get even close and they were pink with purple strips.

LASTLY: suggestion - introspection and time alone. The Doc says you are to look in a mirror and ask the question, who am I? If the reflection doesn’t answer you are to walk into the closet, close the door, and listen till you hear something. That would be easy for me because my stomach would do all the talking.

If these four items above do not break the funk you are in, then there is always a trip to the British Virgin Islands, which is Doctor Birch Bark’s suggestion.


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to remove one, make that two thoughts. I didn't want to offend myself but I did


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