Friday, February 03, 2006


To go along with yesterday’s post, I was thinking about our parents and our kid’s grandparents.
In a snap shot of history, mankind was stuck in a rut for hundreds of years. Only Leonardo had any idea of what could be round the corner and that was 550 years ago. Just think of all the advances since 1900, the time of our parents or grandparent’s birth.

Here are some….
Coke in a bottle…Beer in a can… TP on a roll… Electricity in the home… News casts that are current… Music in the palm of your hand… Coast to coast travel in hours not months…Salad in a bag…Elevators on the outside of buildings… Fidel Castro president of Cuba (will he never go away?)…On time trains or trains at all…Paperback books… Roadways leading to anywhere (sometimes off a cliff)…Books on tape or DVDs… Selling water in a bottle…Hilary as president (no way)… Popcorn from a microwave… Men walk on the moon…Smallpox and Polio become history… I know I’ve missed something. What amazes you? Let’s hear about it.


At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's one: Robin blobbing and shedding.


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