Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A SIMPLE BEER( S)… 1/31/06

One foot is on a banana peel, the other on marbles. What a way to wander through life. Yet, it’s better than always looking where you are stepping and still walking head long into a bus. Some people have health problems, others have mental hang-ups, and they carry these around their necks almost as billboards. Many others have the same problems but carry on the day with resolve, how they do this is beyond me. Then there are people blessed with being… OK.

Many of us have stubbed our toes in some form or another. Some of these were self-inflicted like going off a water ski jump upside down. Other stubbed toes were not self-inflicted. You can call it happenstance, the luck of the draw, or more likely the passing on of a genetic defect.

But the most amazing things have happened to all of us in the last 40 years. These advances in many ways have been positive progress. Our electronic age is driving advances all over the board especially in communications and medicine. If not for these, I wouldn’t be here, nor one of my daughters.

I am grateful for the gifts of progress. But putting on blinders and not letting people reach for medical cures is absolute stupidity (i.e. stem cell research). But on the other hand we have yielded a great part of our grandparent’s heritage to us… the simple pleasures and wonders of daily life.

You will have to excuse me a moment for there is a beautiful sunset happening outside my window. Gotta enjoy it, then walk the dog and have a beer.


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