Saturday, January 28, 2006

By DEGREES…. 1/28/06

I am not talking about a piece of paper that took me 5 years to attain then was confirmed on me by a university president at commencement. This is about January 26th, yesterday, and the fact that it was 44 degrees on our front deck. Here we are on what could be the COLDEST day of the year, and it’s 44 in the north country?

No, the degrees that are getting to me are an over abundance of BTU’s. For years my daughters were beating on my chest about global warming. I use to blow them off but now in January, yesterday, I went looking for my sunglasses and sun block 30. Thinking back on this it’s been six winters since we’ve had a snow cover worth talking about. Our 5 to 6 feet of winter snow is down to 12 inches and our lake levels haven’t been this low since I can’t remember.

Something is messing around with the environment. There is a lot more stuff in the air that’s not suppose to be there, and it’s got to be related to my relative’s cars and what comes out of the tail pipe. Start your car and go sit by the tailpipe for 5 minutes. It’s pure ugly times millions, you’ll see what I mean.

The other problem is the rest of the world is catching up with our stupidity.… developing nations have built coal fired power plants that run shops in China, India and elsewhere, and we just can’t get enough of those smiling faces (Walmart’s)… Let’s have a good time and bring back the nuke power plants, also replace gasoline with water in our cars, and switch from Cutty Sark to J&B…. problem solved!


At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure that your relatives's cars of which you speak are the cars of the twins and not the twin cars.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Alright, maybe my thoughts concerning this unusal weather we are having are far off base but it just not happening's everywhere as well. Now take the Gulf states, I would have a year ago but now you can have them. Four hundred years ago a volcano went off in the Pacific and it was globle cooling for 300 years. It's whether or weather or not? that is the question.

At 12:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Totally agree. Lack of snow and cold hurting the "Up North" economy. Condo sales around the country have slowed down quickly the last two months. Time for some local governments to take off dunce hats and put a plan together without their only guidance being a shifty developer.And,oh,I get it!! No more Gulf States. Now, its Neraska!!! Hmmm... I wonder... Hmmmmmmm......

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the lake was lower when I was around 15, then again in 1989. Then every time I didn't go up north snows were great!

But, no snow has its advantages since Freddy and I spent a productive day alone in the kitchen one day stuffing olives with blue cheese. Let's see, one beer for me, one olive for you, one beer for you, one olive for me. Martini time and there were no olives!

Now to that someone who wants anonymous responder's to use their real names, I say no way Jose! Since PC Google has allowed Chinese censorship, I don't want rabid birch barker's to hack me!

When senor birch bark IM'd me today he wondered the temp here and I told him mid-sixties. He said it was 47 up north. Since I looked at weather that reported it to be 29 I wondered if global warming was confined to Lake 17. But, then I read that it was 44 I'm confused. I guess its more "literary (term used loosely) license", si?

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Confused is your middle name..

At 7:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Jose, If you were really worried about privacy and hacking, you wouldn't post a comment on a blog owned by Google, because they record your ip address for all posterity. Your name is kinda beside the point if they can find your computer. Or are you using anonymizer?


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