Saturday, January 21, 2006

A DAY OFF …. 1/22/06

I’ve got to take a day off from everything and I do mean everything. My back is killing me. It’s taken a beating. The daily tread milling and splitting wood is taking its toll. Then yesterday, a little ice under foot and my feet went south, my head north and I landed flat on my back. A blaze of stars came out, and it was at noon.

Years ago I would have bounced right up and laughed it off, but not yesterday. When this jellyroll hit the icy pavement it was a good 20 minutes before I got my bearings. Out came the hot pad and water bottles; even a hot tub didn’t help take the pain away… fortunately I found my J&B bottle and a little liquid medication helped somewhat.

When I awoke this a.m., my back hurt a lot less, but my head really was pounding. I think I’ll submerge the thing in a hot tub, my head that is. Oh, did I tell you it’s snowing again, time to re-plow the drive. I tell you, a man’s work is never done.


At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi rick,
No! I'm not your mean uncle from down under although my first is george.
I can sympathize with you.Poor lad!
Myself, well, I've stopped running after buses in the winter. You know, with those sadistic drivers that watch you sprinting before they mercilously hit the gas. I made that decision, a couple slippery Januarys back after slamming my 280lb waterbag(read jelly roll),on one of those mini roadside rinks for the 13th time.

This winter? I just chase slippery tongued, door to door vacuum cleaner salesmen (read politicians)off my stoop!

At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought you sounded a little under the weather last night. I believe that a switch from JB to Cutty Sark will make a world of difference -- plus -- its about $5 cheaper. Course Morgan is even cheaper -- but does not go as good with cigars


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