Thursday, January 19, 2006

GEEEE …. I FORGOT….. 1/19/06

What’s the penalty?
If they pass the hat in church and you remember your wallet is not in your pants or purse but at home on the dresser?
What’s the penalty?
If on your downswing the golf ball moves?
What’s the penalty?
If you’re driving along going 82 in a 45 mph speed zone?
What’s the penalty?
If you have that third donut that’s just sitting there on the table mindless of you but you not of it?
What’s the penalty?
If the cashier gives you back more change than you rightfully should get?
What’s the penalty?
If you have forgotten a family member’s birthday for the second year in a row?
What’s the penalty?
If you forgot to let the dog out of the house for a day or two?
What’s the penalty?
If you can’t remember that you can’t remember.

To some people it is a sign of advancing age, or the unthinkable, the mental disorder that no one wishes on anyone… But what do you call it when your brain hasn’t been in gear since you were five years old? I want you to think back to all the people you know and tell me of a person who hasn’t had a brain fade. I rest my case, none of us are perfect… well, except maybe one and she will not admit it.

I gotta go the roof needs shoveling, na that’s not it, I’ve got to shovel something, I just can’t remember…


At 7:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I rest my case, none of us are perfect… well, except maybe one and she will not admit it.

So you're saying you know someone who's perfect, but that she won't admit it? Hmm, methinks that's not what you meant.

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your gringo friends down south conclude:

1. You're in the penalty box.

2. You're back in the color gray.

3. It's a long way till springtime and the colors blue and green.


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is perfect!! End of story. On the other hand,you are much, much better than you admit. Thus, you are taking the time and talent to put forth on this blog,your feelings and memorys, or it it memories (I am sure that anonymous will solve that question) Keep it up. Your thoughts are real


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