Friday, January 06, 2006

I CAN’T HEAR U! Why isn’t my cell phone working? 1/06/06

I’ve watched in amazement the development of the electronic age. We now have this and that for everything. From 8 track cartridges in the late ’60s to cell phones that whistle Dixie, showing color pics of the person on the other end, what progress! We don’t even have to think anymore, just push buttons. But, which button? Sitting on my desk is a computer that ALMOST runs itself, it’s got a lot of buttons, and I haven’t a clue what half of them are for.

A whole new publishing industry has arisen from the advance of the high tech electronics explosion. There now is a series of black and yellow covered books written for folks like you and me. They’re called the dummy series. So when you lose your owners manual to one of your electronic gismos, i.e. your cell phone, you simply turn on your computer, go online to Yahoo or another search engine and find Barnes and After an hour figuring out the web site you find a listing - “Personal Survival for Dummies in the Electronic Age.” You then use your electronic credit card, which pays for the book purchase.

Five days later UPS delivers your book. It takes a day of reading and you have the answer of “how to place a call on a cell phone”. Your other way out is to give in and admit that you have not kept up in the electronic age and take the advice of your kids. You enroll in evening classes at the nearest Technical College taking Cell Phone 101. However, this is admitting defeat to the world at large, it’s the same as stopping your car at a gas station and asking for directions…
Gotta go, the phone just rang, the call ID is telling me it’s a call from Ecuador? But what button do I push?


At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange how the older generations can't program a VCR if their life depended on it, but they managed to operate the climate contol system of their 1958 Ramblers, which consisted of six unmarked knobs, one labeled "AirFloMatic" in unreadable cursive script, and four levers underneath the dash, which you had to turn, then pull.
Dan Tasman

At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'58 Ramblers, a breed apart as were the '61 AMC Pacers

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So in this world of advanced technology and regressive human thinking -- who is smarter? The AFLAC Duck -- Yogi Berra -- Fred Hunt Plug that into your Dell, you Swami Carson you


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