Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Security in any form, most people need it. My post from several days back shows a relatively new addition to our family. It’s our security blanket. The addition was in the form of a slightly used English Springer named Katie whose always in the lake.

Some people like cats, however cats can cause watery eyes and a few other problems, like a smelly box in the corner. We went through the fish tank era at our house. First it was one tank then the kids wanted another. It was trouble enough just keeping one clean, then there was the time that the tank heater over did itself. It kind of looked like a typical Wisconsin Friday night fish fry. They were belly up and we held mass funeral. It was the kid’s first exposure to mortality.
The second was when a small kitty found it’s way to our door step.

“Dad, dad can we keep it?” asked our daughters.” What is one going to say to them, no you can’t keep that fur ball? Ya, we got attached to Buddy the cat, however nature seemed to know for our youngest had an allergy to the cat and the cat came down with something and mortality opened our door.

Next came our first Springer who for fourteen years ruled our house and raised the kids, she was boss. It was during this time that some genius came up with pet rocks. What a gem of an idea!
Very low maintenance and when the rock bits the dust, gag, you simply bury it in your rock garden and on the rock’s birthday you pay respects.


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