Monday, January 09, 2006


Don’t tell me…. I know my first postings of the New Year I listed as 2005 and not 2006; none of you caught it either. Here we are in January, and as I gaze out the window over the frozen ice-covered lake all I can see are multiple shades of grey.

We live in northern Wisconsin, and our state colors are cardinal and white. I can understand white for our landscape is blanketed in the White Stuff for 6 plus months. As for the cardinal, well, these winged birds left for Miami Beach months ago and will not be seen till July.

As for sunlight, it’s all grey as clouds are the order of the day, month and season. Actually our state colors should be grey upon grey. Sure we have spring; it lasts for 6 days followed by August, our summer, followed by hunting season. So what’s there to do these long winter months?

Easy, haul in firewood, then head out to the shed and spend hours rearranging my tackle boxes. I sit at my workbench and arrange the tackle to the type of species of fish that I’ll be after come spring. Five days later I do it again as to type of fishing, night time, deep water, fly and so forth.
It’s 3 in the afternoon and the sun is setting. I can’t see it; it’s just that the light grey has become dark grey. I’ve got to light the fireplace, see you in the morning.


At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow my comment from yesterdays blog has been deleted. Waaaaa!! I asked you t ort out MY tackle box because it is a mess! Course WE only use worms, leeches and minnows -- so -- I don't care

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somehow worm are frozen into the ground this time of year, minnows have no desire to freeze their tails off... soft plastic lures get stuff as boards at 10 degrees so it's the tackle box sorting or nothing.


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