Tuesday, January 24, 2006

OUT OF GAS… 1/24/06

Last week was a warm spell. It was so nice that it made us want to cook out on the front deck and watch snowmobiles run through the lake slush. It was a quick trip to town and back shopping for heart healthy soybean burgers. Then it was time to fire up the grill, but which one?

Not to put my nose in the air but we have two grills. Just like NASA we have a backup system that never works. After shoveling the snow off both I took a look. We were out of charcoal for the one grill so I fired up the gas grill and let it preheat.

Usually I have a backup LP tank but I hadn’t refilled it last fall when it ran out. Little did I know the tank I was using only had fumes in it. Ever try eating a half-cooked soy burger or even regular burger? After a second trip to town for another LP tank it was well past dinnertime. However, the burger stands were open and now I am completely gassed up, literally … Ah there is nothing like cooking in the great outdoors, pass the mustard please.


At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why am I worried about Robin checking my propane level for the Big House; well, just read below and, well, you get the picture. Robin, don't let this slip through the perverbial crack>

At 3:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder? Froozen pipes could mean a big mess

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have used the grill at the big house and then siphoned some propane down to the little house and then gone out for a freddy burger and then win at Gokden Tee - against myself and then had a diet pepsi and then gone home gone to bed and watch Iowa play Indiana if that were happening today, And thats the truth Blah...

At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The worst hamburger I had in my life was prepared(?) by the cole man for Mo and me a few years ago. One tiny buger, two slices of stale white bread, some relish and warm ketchup drove us straightaway to the Diamond Inn.

A half cooked soy burger would have been better methinks.


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