Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Where were you?….. 1/32/06

November 1963, September 2001, December 1941. Some dates stand out from others because they made people think of something else other than themselves…. Heavy thoughts for most, for sad events are remembered with heavy hearts. So I ask, why can’t we turn the apple cart around?

Instead of the dismal, let’s think about the pretty, bury the sad, and think about the happy. Daily we are hit between the eyes with downer newscasts, also lots of advertising is negative tell us we are over weight or have a bad complexion. Here’s an idea… Let’s start a good news TV network.

All the news would be smiley stuff. We’d take only advertising that benefited mankind. Love, hope, and charity would be our call letters, positive, positive thinking…
Think of all the good it could do?

Ya, you are right, I got the shakes thinking about it, this newscast wouldn’t last about a week before going chapter 11. But still just a bit of good news in our national media would be a real shock. Don’t tell me there isn’t any good news, there just has to be. If not let’s make some…. But, wait, no one would know that it happened.

Ok I’ll shape up… tomorrow’s blog will be on the lighter side. Today is not the 32nd of Jan!


At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK, Mary Poppins, what did you have to drink?

The Big House

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Up North said...

That's the problem... I'am on the wagon. However, a few folks are due in town this weekend and the wagon stops here.


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