Tuesday, February 14, 2006

MEGA THOUGHTS and how the cookie crumbles

These are not purchased from MEGA Wal-Marts but are superb ideas that are locked in the back of our minds just sitting there rattling around. Knock, knock come out where ever you are. It takes practice in chasing down these little gems.

How is it possible?

Each great mind (everyone has one, almost) has to find a way to express itself.

Some minds just keep going and going. There is no on/off switch, they are on 24/7. Then there are the latent minds where only dynamite or half a bottle of merlot can flip the on switch. All of us have something that can affect or help others, it’s just a matter of will power, willing yourself to stop and “think”.

It’s a matter of time control or lack of it. Nowadays I have a little spare time between runs to the dump. I try and spend a few moments in quiet thought. I was in the grocery store the other day trying to decide which brand of cookies to buy when a quiet moment hit me. As I was lost in thought a boy and his mom passed and the boy asked, “ Mom, what’s that man doing?” His mom replied, “Quiet son, don’t you see that man is thinking.”

I went away with a package of Oatmeal Raisin Cookies. This simple choice I have determined will have a long term positive effects on oat farmers, raisin growers, our local bakery department but most all the effects on my waistline which will be MEGA, MEGA>


At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion, mega thoughts are minor while minor thoughts are major. Everyone has mega thoughts, i.e. eat, drink, inhale, exhale,etc., however the minor thoughts of how can I catch a fish with the rod over my shoulder; or how can I play Golden Tee without injuring my arm or accelerating my heart; or how can I slip ou without HER catching me -- those are the things that can change and renew your life

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Up North said...

Anyone can fish with the rod over their shoulder, it's the best touch method but getting out of the super market without a bag of carbos that's another story. As for Golden tee is for amatures and there is about as much chance of slipping out of the house un-noticed as a snowball in Ecuador

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! Now we're into some really serious deep thinking. If Oatmeal Raisin is one of the end results of such deep thoughts, it's a good thing. The Keebler elves are jumping for joy. Pass the cookies.

At 5:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Mr. Geologist, there are snowballs in Ecuador. They're just not handy so to speak.

Now about going (ahem) to the dump... I assume this is different than "taking" a ...


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