Friday, February 24, 2006

Calory counting, I quit….

That’s right, finished. You just have to know that you got on the wrong boat and it’s sinking.
There had to be a time when the passenger’s on the Titanic realized an ocean cruse was a bad idea. There are other great examples of would not have if I would have known.

Months back, in September my plumbing was rerouted. It was one of those “or else, period” deals.
So after several weeks of mentally being upside down it was into rehab and a change of life style.
“Watch it Bud, you can’t eat that” were the home orders. Then at rehab, nurse Sherri got her whip out and told me that I needed another 30 minutes on top of 30 on the tread mill daily.

The object was to get my heart stronger and lose weight. Well after five months several amazing things have happened. First I can tell my heart is stronger for I can actually feel my toes, second my blood pressure has dropped, all positives. However, my weight has been on a roller coaster, down, then up, then down, then up, mostly up!

I’ve tried to figure this out. Knowing that my exercising has helped gain muscle mass which out weighs my lard mass helps. I also looked at intake (food), no real change there the same Ho Ho's and Zingers Then it hit me and I came up with a reason for the lack of weight loss.

Some one has been messing with the scale. That has to be it! I think our dog has a new play thing. When in doubt, blame it on your dog.
You don’t have one? That can be arranged.


At 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can also blame on that other thing that no one likes to admit to.......male menopause.

At 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute!! (Pause) You have not looked this fit in 10yrs. There may be another culprit -- not Katie the dog. I'm just saying, ya know -- I' not saying, I'm just saying....

At 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Earths gravitaional has a lot to do with how one looks and feels. The Earth is round which we all become befor turning completely flat.


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