Tuesday, February 21, 2006

- 25 degrees several nights back, brrrrrr
Back in the day students put spring on the map by heading to Fort Lauderdale, Florida for some early sunshine. They then graduated, worked and built hi-rise retirement condos on the beaches where they once played and opened beer cans. Now there are signs that read….
“Sorry these beaches are closed.”

In Wisconsin it wasn’t called spring break but winter break. Here, spring comes in June when schools are out along with wood ticks. We have two types of winter breakers. The first types have their travel plans set in stone. They’ve shopped airfares, car rentals, and hotel rates and know where all the McDonald’s are located. Their bags are meticulously packed days in advance with sun block and a spare pair of shades. They even set a budget and pre-purchase travelers checks, maddening hey?

Then there are the second type of winter breakers, like you and me, who right before leaving ask…
What day are we leaving?
Where are the car keys?
Where are we headed?
Do we need reservations?

This normal non-preplanning, in my humble opinion, has got to be the way to fly. I mean there is real joy in the morning waking up in some unexpected place and time frame. It’s redefining Einstein’s time and space relativity.

I had this same feeling when I drove a semi. After driving ten hours then sleeping, I’d awake from a short nap not knowing where in the Sam hell I was, talk about dis-com-bob-u-lation, I hadn’t a clue. Yet, up around the corner was a new town, a new area or experience like the sunrise over the Blue Ridge. A new day brought a new adventure (like New York City traffic).

So go ahead enjoy your spring! As for us? We maybe headed south, that could be anywhere for everything is south of here except the U.P. and possible Duluth.


At 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is apparent that Mister Hunt is taking a Steve Alford approach as to where he is going - "No Comment" unlike Wobbins - "I don't care" or Senor Frys - "Who knows" or Howards -"Now that is an interesting question" Maybe we should begin a trust fund at Whitmans to buy Huntski a very small laptop and install invisible wifi in his house so that we can communicate with him

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Up North said...

In the course of talking to myself over the last forty plus years, give or take a few, the only person that has a handle on things is the other guy, the real myself. So if Fred could plug into himself he'd find the real Freddie.... maybe this would be a bad idea. It could short circut the whole world and no one whould know who in the hell they were or are or going to be..... and no mt Morgan bottle is not half empty.. it's half full.

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally got him at the office 5pm Still sputtering, but I think sees the light at the end of the tunnel - a pontoon boat! Still needs more food for energy. Told him that we would ship him some Morgan to take care of the wild dreams his medication is causing. Hallucinating -- Gretchen! Wobbin exercising! Whitmans Smoke free! Nancy having a 2nd Whiskey! Micalesen buying a drink! Fry in the U.S.! Brown making a mistake! Stuff must bre powerful

At 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dis-com-bob-u-lation? you're just beginning to notice????


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