Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Yesterday I actual walked up to an unknown person and started a conversation. The guy was a semi driver, we have something in common. Simple you say? Not for me and billions of others that is walking to some one and telling your life story. The semi driving is a slice of cake but chatting with a stranger, not!

There is a thing called a ‘people person’ which I am not. They are the type that would walk an extra mile just for a chat. Rain, sheet or snow nothing stops them for wanting to start up a chat.

We went on vacation with friends and one of them is a true X-tro _vert. No one I’ve ever met can come close to Jim. He has a God given gift to walk up to a stranger and in minutes have that person telling him their life story. It’s truly amazing.

A group of us were on vacation walking in an older part of town, the market section of Honolulu. I had been taking mental notes of how Jim went up to merchants, customers and perfect strangers and started talking about this and that. Well, I thought this is duck soup. I can do what Jim is doing I thought and I went out to find a person to try out his “making new friends” method.

Spotting a person across a narrow street, I told everyone I was with I’d be back in a minute. I crossed the street and approached a lady and started to say hello… Approaching her she blares out… “ I ain’t no hooker!” thinking that I was looking for a little little.
Did my face turn bright red?

You bet.
So much for trying to be something I’m not,
a used car salesman.


At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it might have gone somewhat better if you hadn't had the $50 bill in your hand...

At 1:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jim Snyder? Jim Grundy? Jim Fry? Jimmy Crackkorn? 9and I don't care) Jim Belushi? Jim Winger? Jim Whitman? Jim Gaspar? Got it!! It wasn't Jim, it was Johhny in Hawaiaiaeeee

At 3:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe she was a kickshaw driver taking a break

At 3:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried that once... got a nice face slap


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