Saturday, February 25, 2006


What was I going to Blog about today? It got me thinking, a new experience. This simple word, decision, an act of choice has gotten many a person up the creek without a paddle (I know a few) and others left with a pot of gold with a hole in the bottom.

A simple question is put in front of you and you must come to a rational choice, sometimes it’s irrational but a decision is required. No reflection on Fred but at the next intersection do I take a right of a left, up ahead there is a fork in the road, do I take it? But which way?

Daily we are faced with thousands of this or that’s, Cheerios or Fruit Loops? Red or yellow socks? T-bone or Porterhouse? To get out of bed or not? Scotch or Capt. Morgan? Blond or brunette? Should I work out or go to the café and see what’s happening? Which should I buy, a Power Ball ticket or Mega Bucks?

Never mind the big ones, like do I go to Yale or Harvard? Or, should I ask her father or not? It’s the small decisions that always get you into trouble. Take last night, I am sitting on my usual bar stool and it’s ten minutes past the time I said I’d be home, but on comes the finals of the speed skating, going for the gold. So I had a choice, have another beer and watch them fly around the oval or get my tried buns home? I had a great night’s sleep. I got this decision right for once.


At 11:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capt. Morgan is the only choice.

At 2:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... no mention was made of your prescence at any stool included pubbery. Me thinks, again, Weasels was calling - "Oh Wobbin" Hmmmm....

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm systematic as far as business is concerned.

Elsewhere, it's Argentina, New Zealand, Ecuador, Iraq????????

I'll ask Fred.


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