Monday, February 27, 2006

Form over substance….

Sometimes… it’s not the final score or were you placed that counts but how you look out there.

In our youth it was who was fastest… who was strongest? But now in a more mature state of mind I ask, who cares? It’s more of looking good out there, than the final numbers.

A friend of my father always cut quite the figure. He wore saddle shoes, had his eyeglasses darken before there were such a thing as sunglasses. He wore an ascot and was dressed to kill. Standing next to my dad, he made Pop look like a used pup tent.

The two did many things together. One day they invited me to tag along on the golf course. I was surprised they let my dad on the course, he was not quite an “in” dresser. The game progressed and dad was all over the place but no where near as bad as his friend. I spent most of the day in the wood looking for lost shots.

HOP as dad called him cut a great figure but his golf swing was anything but. There is a saying about a book cover and what’s inside. Another time we were at a water ski tournament and this guy comes down on the dock to take his turn jumping. He was decked out in the latest stuff; a great wet suite, graphite skis and a hand painted helmet with “killer” on the front. This guy was going to fly!

He was late on his cut was upside down and the crash boat was on him before he hit the water.
He had done a triple with a half wrist and a face plant and trick jumping had not been invented as yet. The next jumper took it easy and walked away smiling….so who had a better day?

So it’s not if you look like a pro, a pup tent will do but if you can walk away with a smile.
“ Killer” wasn’t smiling as he got out of the crash boat.


At 1:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Handsome is as handsome does.

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a)your wet suit was always soiled on the bottom (Carnaba wax)b)your skis were wooden - they didn't make graphite skis when you were young c)your swatshirt said "akilter" d) were you 19yrs old still in Boys? or 24 yrs old in Senior Mens?

At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

a)your wet suit was always soiled on the bottom (Carnaba wax)b)your skis were wooden - they didn't make graphite skis when you were young c)your swatshirt said "akilter" d) were you 19yrs old still in Boys? or 24 yrs old in Senior Mens?

At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanted to make sure that you didn't miss anything

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people drive BMW's and think the world of themselfs.... other drive Ford Pinto's and think the world of themselfs. Other take the bus... walk or hitch-hike and think nothing of it. Then there are us folks who could care less just so they are home in time for dinner.


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