Sunday, March 26, 2006

A Moving Van..
I keep tripping over stuff. For 35 plus years I kept every thing. This habit started when I was twenty something and I became a collector. Today our place looks like Fred Sanford’s place on TV and it’s all my fault.
I’ve practiced what my grandfather did. I straightened every bend nail I came across. I wore my underwear down to the bare thread. I ran my cars until the wheels fell off. I ‘d run around the yard collecting twigs for the fireplace.

Then there was the ultimate, I started keeping garbage trying to build a compost pile. Waste not, want not, a penny a day keeps the apple away. The act of throwing something away would surely cause lightening to strike me. Actually I’m not the only one in our household that’s a pack rat.

In our ultra small home every inch of the place is packed with "stuff". I even built a large closet in my little office room to salt stuff away. Add this to the fact that we volunteer in our community resale store and come home with additional "stuff" and the floors in our home are sagging and the walls bulging.
We even have a large storage shed that’s so pack you can’t even open the door.
A year ago our daughter was home and asked for something that was "put away". It took hours of searching to uncover it. Before her departure she impart upon us that if we hadn’t used or worn something within a year that item should be given away or donated. It was time for us to turn a new leaf and get organized.

It’s hard braking any habit for in the back of your mind there’s that thought. "Oh, geee, I could used that to…what?" I guess the only way to brake the Stuff Bonds anchoring us to a spot is to move to some unknown location traveling only with a tooth brush in hand or like a friend of mine move every three years. Call a moving company… we need a semi van.


At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hit the road Jack!

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Grandmaster of the North has made a decision!! He is heading south for an untold number of days. His goal is to relax with one or more friends(depending on how much money he brings}, to play golf{maybe indoors and out}, to eat healthy foods and to return to his homeland with all valves,veins, arteries, knees and brain cells in tact. If he wins at golf his two buddies will only come up north for a week. If he loses -- could be at least two weeks.

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are what we are... and You are the Ultimate Pack Rat... that's UPR, not to be confused w UP'R Upper Penninsula etc

i am still wondering where Dad's '56 Buick Century is. i just know if i look hard enough around the Little Cabin i will find it stuffed into a closet along w a carton of Hershey bars.


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