Monday, January 15, 2007

Northwoods Foreign policy Jan. 15th

Remember when bombs were going off daily in Israel?
It use to kill many an innocent passerby and we heard about I through the world media.
Now bombs are going off in Iraq killing not just passerbys but many a US service person and we are really hearing about it because it’s us. It seems the value of human life in the middle east doesn’t amount to a hill of sand only if there is oil under it …even then they keep blowing holes in everything even their brothers in Islam, their own cousins.
So how can sanity take over?

For years we have purchase billion in oil from the Saudi’s. It’s time to blow the whistle on them!
I mean turn the screws on them. We’ll just tell them that we will not back our green back’s which they are amassing in Swiss banks until they apply pressure on their friends to the north and east, the radicals. Or, we’ll cut off their supply of Mercedes, no that won’t work. You can’t tell me that the Saudi’s can’t bash some common sense into Syria, Iran and their own brethren.

This north-woods man sees the Saudi’s as the biggest slugs the world has known. They are hoarding half the world’s wealth and for what? To build indoor snow ski hills along the Gulf and to finance ‘fringe’ elements who commit mass murder. How come the U.S. always gets the blamed for the inactivity of other countries who could due a world of good?
It's the old, "It doesn’t effect me, I don’t care!"

I say slam the door on the Saudi’s! Then if that doesn’t work we quite selling them executive jets so they can’t get to the casinos in Monaco. Then there is China, but let’s not go there, for where would Wal-Mart get its stuff? I mean I need a new high definition TV.

thought of the moment… " the past is always better than it was… the present worse than it is and the future finer than it will be!"

Help! I am on the look out for additional one liners or your favorite 'wit’a—isums’ more food for thought so I can share them daily with you all.
Got one? Good, then e-mail it to me at… thanks pals.


At 1:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now I know where you and Muddy Waters got the "I don't care!" saying from. I should have known. This is starting to become a little political -- almost like you are an expat. Reality is -- in my humble opinion -- we have not won a war since WWII. If nothing else, the terrorists are beginning to realize that blowing themselves up will eventually reuce the number of terrorists. Wish there was an answer to this dillemna. Sounds like the Democratic controlled Congress has no answer other than to try and stop the President. Nam all over again I fear

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need to tighten up our boarders. Isolation is the key. We can't let any more of those Illinois people north of ROckford.


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