Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A present? you shouldn’t have… 1/10
As each of us sat around the Christmas tree and once again on birthdays as a little thought wells up in our minds…we tell everyone who went out of their way thinking about someone else..."geee whizzz you didn’t have to do that". But after many a year a person gets too use to others thinking about them, that gift giving almost becomes automatic.

It’s the same with the sun rise each morning. For me I always check to see if I am still breathing. It takes only a moment to give thanks before stumbling out of bed each day.

Yet some times it takes a slap in the face to awake us from taking things to "grantite".
It takes separation from family members and love ones to somewhat shock us back to reality.
For the last five years or so my son spent Christmas on either an aircraft carrier or on the other side of the world. This season we got to spent some time with his family and it was the best present of all.

As the holidays fade into memor, just remember those that stand guard for us across the world so that we may have the freedom to invest our cash in other countries. May we all hope that the only killings we make in is the world stock markets and not in the streets of Kabo, Bagdad, and Beirut. So let's all kiss off 2006!

Try this thought out! " Never teach a pig to sing...
it will annoy you & frustrate the pig."


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