Thursday, December 21, 2006

The family flick 12/21
Last year around the holidays out came a slug of movies. One was called the Family Stone.
It wasn’t quite your normal Christmas tear-jerker feel good flick. It was about a dysfunctional family that is introduced to a poor young gal who herself is a triple AAA personality. While she's visiting her in-laws to be over the holidays something hits the fan. So much for the plot for most of you have seen it, if not there are flick rentals.

Anywho, I was talking with the misses and it came to pass that she too was thrown into such a cauldron as well, my family. Then it got me thinking about why that movie hit home. It wasn’t such an abnormal movie… it was right on. Another words there are many "dysfunctional" families and they are the norm rather than the other away around.

Throw in a canon lose uncle, a mad baking aunt, fifteen screaming cousins and a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, three dogs a barking and then introduce a visitor for the holidays and bingo.
It’s The Family Stone movie plot all over again Yogi…..deck the halls.

Today’s moment of thought… "Anyone can win – unless there’s a second entry."


At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have news for you. There's a little "dys" in any family. What makes it fun when considering the Coleman clan is that with so many members in the family, there are so many opportunities to note dysfunctional behavior.

At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention dysfunctional writing.

At 6:07 PM, Blogger Up North said...

My psychiatist told me that with five more sessions I'll be alowed to walk the strees again as well be allowed back on this blog site!


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