Friday, December 01, 2006

Winter Water Skiing… 11/30

Winter Water Skiing… 12/1

You still could, our lake which is frozen by Thanksgiving is still open. It’s soft water not hard. Even BH could wind surf out there if he wasn’t a pansy. Even our young crew could water ski if they were here and had a few extra Brandy Alexander’s that are apart of our family’s holiday cheer.

So why is the lake still open? Could it be that this the advent of what those in the know call global warming? As for me the older I get the colder it seems to be. Yet, something is in the woodpile. Add the fact that the lake level is down a good 30" and it hasn’t been this low since 1947 … it seems strange things are a foot at the Circle K.

I got to thinking, a dangerous pass time; our small 180-acre lake isn’t the only one whose water level is down in northern Wisconsin. If you were to take the surface size X 30" you’d have a zillion gallons of water displaced somewhere. There are 10,000 in Wisconsin and another 10,000 in Minnesota and they are all down. Who says so? I do, I made a few phone call, (4). Even our states’ river reservoirs are way down.

So the question is…who made off with all these tons’ upon tons of water? And should we care?
Normally we have snow in the winter and rain in the spring/summer. Yet for the last 7 years things have not been normal, but whose counting? no snow or heavy rains. And what about the Chinese? But let’s not go there, Freddie will.

Then to the south of us there is ¾ of the state in a relative new business, crop farming, on land that you couldn’t give away. They have pounded 1000’s of new industrial sized wells into the aquifer irrigating their new farms sucking off water to the north. Other rocket scientists are blaming mankind, the auto, smoke stacks, and candy factories for our changing climate. All may have an effect.

Today I still can look out our windows and see a shining lake… oh my, it just froze over.

In the years to come maybe our grandchildren when looking out the same windows will only see a large dry hole in the ground.


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only one of your goofy would water ski in Wisconsin in December, there is a gene lose somewhere. The folk on your lake could have an iceberg flown in this winter. It rise the lake level and you'd have a conversational item in your front yards.

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about converting your lake bottom into a sand and gravel business.Or get the Feds to devert the Mississippi Riverover to northern Wis which would rise all the lake levels.

At 10:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the lake gets smaller, there is a greater chance that it will freeze over sooner. When it gets to be the size of a hockey rink, then you front two teams (south siders v north siders) and you have great sport to watch from the warmth of your Hazelhurst sky-box. Maybe give Whitman's the exclusive beverage rights.


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