Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dear Diary… 11/21

Am out wild turkey hunting in the woods out back but I can’t seem to get my bottle top open. It’s bang bang in the distance for our world is now a blur of blaze orange. We’re invaded by every hunter known to mankind, last night I could even get a sit at Whitman’s, terrible, terrible happenings.

So, I went home to work on day’s blog and I seemed to be having brain fade.
I’ve been at this now for about about a year, logging daily thoughts if you could call it that. Others call it blogging.
So the question is…
in the grand scheme of thing does it really matter?

Don’t answer that!

On the side of my deck is a brand new paper diary. It was given to me many a Christmas ago by a well meaning daughter who thought that I needed a creative release. The poor thing died of neglect, the diary that is, nare an entry. It’s like most things that we all start on... for the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

As for today it's as Yogi said - it’s like diva via all over again. I know I have written all this before in my blog , wasn’t it last Feburary 18th?
Yes, brain fade is a fact. The damned thing is in your closets just waiting to jump out at us each morning. Didn’t I wear that outfit yesterday and I know I’ve got an appointment this afternoon or was it yesterday afternoon?

The real bad case of it is telling yourself that you need to fill your car with gas five days in a row and the thing coming to a spurting stop. Don’t tell me you don’t have this problem as well. Admitting it is the first step in brain fade’s cure and Doctor Blog can help.

The second step is to read tomorrow’s blog where I go into great detail about mind improvement. There isn’t one of you out there that couldn’t benefit from my proven cure. That is if I can find my notes which I seemed to have misplaced. Hummm!


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, now you're getting spammed.

Tell us more about up north, upnorth!

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is no wonder you have not entered anything into your dairy because it is out on the deck. If you move it to your desk you might use it. Claire sometimes you have to have some hands on.


At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


If he does carry on with his threat for tomorrow's blog topic dispensing MIND IMPROVEMENT IN GREAT DETAIL! ala Coleman style-- then if this isn't a serious cry for help, we're in big doo-doo.

Family intervention is needed here.

He may name NAMES.

Could be really scary. Or then again this could be the most entertaining blog yet.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

IMHO he will forget what direction he wanted to bend our minds -- probably no farther then he can bend either knee

At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel so much better now.

At 5:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait a minute here folks....

This is Robin, remember?

Linear thinking has been cast aside many years ago.

We could be in for some really rough reading in the days ahead.

At 2:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sure you're going to be ready to post a new blog on Monday? I hear that the Coleman's even put Capt. Morgan on their yams.


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