Friday, November 17, 2006

The Dow at 10,000...
What a difference a day can make. 11/17

Oh you missed CNBC last night? Well, it seems there was a hick up, just kidding. But there you go, right when you weren’t looking. For me it really doesn’t take much in this day and age to make me knees rattle.
I’ve got a theory, want to hear it?

No? well, then quite reading today’s blog.
For all of you truly enlightened people I will continue, please read on..
For decades there was some sort of stability to things. And just what caused this rock solid feeling? In the past people were a little slow to react and for good reason. They couldn’t react because 90% were out of the loop. They had newspapers with day old stock reports and two day old news delivered to them each morning along with their milk bottles.

In their place you’d be a little slow on the gun as well… just a tad late to react.
So where were the big deals made then as now? in the cities of course. If you lived out in the country, you were really cooked as well. So out in the hinder land no one knew squat! And when they did it was weeks later. i.e. December 7th 1944, Davenport Iowa… "You mean the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor?"

Mass communication has changed things big time. Just think, you are reading this and I just posted this seconds ago and thousands of miles from where you are. What I am saying is that we now all have the ability to know of things as they happen.

Prestro, you to can get in or out of different markets in seconds worldwide and now at commissions never heard of. You can even lose your shirt (and other things) on line playing poker and the markets.

Just think of the times many of our parents witnessed when the advent of radio was a big deal. But what we have been given through the advent of hi-tech is mind boggling. It's no wonder why today we only have traders wherein the past we were "investors."

I am still trying to understand what a "short" is other than faulty electrical wiring.


At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So......other than that stuff, what's going on in the northwoods upnorth?

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can knees rattle when they are artificial? How can traders make money when there is not a lot of fur upnorth? Where have all the loons gone? Is the lake up or down? How is the building coming? We, who are out of the loop need this vital information. That is why we pay the big bucks for this boggling blog

At 8:32 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Artifical knees do rattle and I can prove it. As to fur upnorth, it's out of season. All of the loons have headed south where all the other LOONS live. The lake sure isn't up, it will take 40 days and nights and then maybe. The building is almost back on schedule, Amen. and as for big bucks they are getting their buns shot off as it's gun season.


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