Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Perfect Outcome 11/9

Will Rodgers would have loved commenting on things in the present day, seeing he kicked the bucket, I’ll step in and embarrass myself. Now that the election has passed gas again, the outcome couldn’t have been better.

The Republicans are still in the White House, Democrats in the House and in the Senate will be in grid lock. So what’s ahead in the next two years? Look behind, it’s same old same old but this time with slight new twist. The Democrats will be licking their chops, the Republicans their wounds and us independents are sitting on the fence smiling and here’s why…. the President can’t go Willie Nelly into some new disaster by getting us involved in Iran, North Korea, Venezuela or Iowa although he'll try . The House can’t formulated new give-away programs although they’ll try. Nor can the Senate pass funding for new super highways into the mountains of West Virginia although they’ll try.

So what about the elections?
The only positive thing that happened was that a few more of us got out of the house and cast a vote and some of the electronic voting machines actually worked.

If you had your eyes open and ears you would have noticed that something big was missing once again. No one and I mean no one had a positive view of things. Were any sound positive foreign policies brought forth? Did anyone have an answer to our health care problems? If so their voice couldn’t be heard. No, it was the same old ragging that has come so common place.

Wouldn’t it be nice to see a smiling face with a mouth that uttered intelligent positive positions? Oh well, fairy tales are a thing of the past.


At 2:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your positive attitude!

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baby Claire had a very smiley face and made a lot more sense then a good number of candidates. Hmmm... if they are candidates, why do they not appear to be candid? Two whole years to look forward to -- many vetoes and many more pork barrels. Why not Wocking Wobbin for Hazelhurst town chairman and Winger for town general -- and Paulie for construction manager and ... oh well, we can only dream


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