Thursday, November 02, 2006

The ground floor…11/2
In 1957 Fidel rocked the boat, changed things around with our near neighbors to south. Over the next fifty years Cubans have swam, rowed and hijacked planes to get into Miami (welcome to it). Castro reminds me of Spain’s G. Franco, the guy just will not kick the bucket.

But here’s the big question, what happens when Fidel finally take his last breath, what next? My son’s friend Carlos, a fellow Navy flyer and a second generation Cuban transplant, told Kent that Cuba is going to explode in capitalism. He said there were three huge gold mines just waiting to be tapped, tourism, agi-bus and the classic car trade.

Once again the US has blinders on as other country’s business communities many of them are already investing in Cuba. Once again we will be starting behind the rest of the world due to a that foreign policy that isn’t. Far from getting into to Cuba on the ground floor, we’ll be starting in the basement. We have made a messed of things in the middle east, why not do the same in our back yard? i.e. Central America is alot closer, let's invade Costra Rica. to heck with North Korea and Iran.

Which gets back to a simple question, "Can one person effect the lives of the many?" Just think if the world hadn’t witnessed… Fidel Castro, Lincoln, Stalin, Martin Luther King, Washington and Jefferson, Hitler, Christian Bernard, Mohammed, Jesus Christ, and your our grandfather.

So as we bumble through another day today, just think about how you can positively effect the lives of those around you… it’s simple, just smile and to hell with foreign policy.


At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carlos has it right! Cuba will be invaded with outside capitalists, but you're wrong to think not from the US. They'll be led by Cuban-Americans who will take over the place and still maintain loyalties to the US and carry dual passports.

To think they would let the Dutch or others run it is laughable.

At 8:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time to get it under our fold before the rest of South America plants a pink flag in Havana.


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