Friday, October 20, 2006

Jack-O-Lantern 10/20

The search is on, oh where oh where can that perfect pumpkin be? You've got ten days to find the perfect October Holloween outfit. The stores are now outfited in orange and black themes with spiders working over time spinning excess webbs. The same holds true for candy makers putting out billions of bags of mirrco-sized bits of your favorite tooth breakers.

The rush is on for the commerical side of all saints day. I used the small cap "s" in saints for that's what the actual day was suppost to be. We are to remember the brave hearted people that gave greater meaning to your own lives. I am not takling about Saint Ralph or his better known fab four - Matt, Mark, Luke, and John. Nor am I talking about all the those great hearted people that are giving so much of the time rebuiling the Gulf Coast area.

I am talking about your grandparents and others who working their buns off to honestly give your parents a better life. Along the way they hauled their offspring into their places of worship hoping that something would wear off.

Most of these "trend setters" have past on to their greater reward and these are the "SAINTS" which the day Holloween was intended. So while your are out Trick or Treating, drinking orange beer, spend a moment of refecting on your past relatives which hopefuly got you headed in the right direction.


At 8:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At a loss for words......"wear off"?

At 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said... previous blog, you were NOT trapped in your car but trapped ON the roof when your ladder fell.

Are you S-U-R-E???

Trust but verify.



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