Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Say something intelligent, I can’t! 10/11

For four days in a row I’ve parked my fanny at my computer, sat and typed a sentence or two. It now seems that I have a new nerve or a displaced old one that will not let me sit in the chair before it starts screaming the Freddie Kreuger Fright Song.

It’s like a chain saw ripping into something it shouldn’t.

Another words, I put two thoughts down and I want to slamb the keyboard out the window…I get up hobble around a bit then sit and it’s at it again. It feels like my rear is about to explode. No, it’ not Rosebud’s cooking. I think it’s the physical rehab’ing on the new knee that has brought new lights to other older problems.

Right now it’s on fire and there isn’t one intelligent thing inside my skull. They (intelligence) all take a hike when I sit down. The doctors calle this thing a new they did a total knee replacement. Now with other body parts flaring up I am seriously considered booking passage on a Trans-sylvan Arrow Flight into Bucharest for a full body replacement. The only problem is my present doctor is having problems with a referral in Romania.


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosebud must have the parental controls set which limits your surfing. This may account for these bizarre feelings you're experiencing.

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like Yogi Berra and the Aflack Duck have somehow either wormed their way into your computer, your chair or Rosebud dietary staples -- ahem -- leftovers. Remember what Jim Valvano said, "uh.. er.. hmmm. Oh yeah - I Don't Care"


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