Thursday, September 21, 2006

Growth…. 9/21

It’s not what you think it is for growth is good and bad depending where it happens. It’s good when it’s about your brain and your using it, bad when you don’t. It’s bad when your doctor shakes his head about that thing your are sitting on, good when you have a better understanding of others.
Good food leads to bad effects on your waist line. But when prepared correctly all is forgiven.

We, my brothers, use to measure our upward growth on the refrigerator door. Certain crayons colors marks were for certain brothers. It marked our upward growth but not in proper stature. It was competition between us to see who could grow to the height of the top of the freezer door. Now a days going anywhere near the refg leads to outward growth, the waist line which is bad.
But back to what counts…

Now through a battery of testing concocted by the brains of the world we can measure the development of the brains of students. It all started with the old American competition theme of whose leading and getting the blue ribbon and the winner’s crown.

Second place? Who cares who comes in 2nd place. Do you remember the runner up of Miss America in 1956? Or who lost the Super Bowl in 1998. The Packers again? No one remembers the losers except themselves and their mothers.

However, there are many ways to gauge growth. Some keep score on the Dow Jones average, others by the number of Rolls parked in their driveway. But for those that have a few gray hairs in the temple, it’s the number of true friends that are called friend in return... So as you look around and start counting friends and if you come up with only 3 true buddies, it’s time to start planting other friendship seeds then watch it grow.


At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Mrs. count as one your 3 true buddies?

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does Katie the dog count as one of your 3 true buddies?

At 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Start going to different taverns. Meet new friends. Bring them home to meet the Mrs!

At 7:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the doctor would shake his head about the chair.



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