Monday, September 18, 2006

Just say no…9/18
Too much watermelon, way too many baked beans, and the charcoal burgers kept coming all summer. So did twist-off bottle caps. The out come of all the summer over "doings" is a waist line that’s like our shore line, it’s way out there. Now is the time to start on last year’s New Year Resolution… ‘ On being the new me or you, that is if you are you.’

Time to kick it in gear like we said we would. It’s been months, make that years, when the real you or me could get all of ourself in a full-length mirror. I really had a chance to get the cart rolling when the doctors put a new zipper in me. He pointed a finger at my chest and said, "There, now it’s up to you."

Diet and physical activity these are the two things that would do it! We all think about these two things and most of us somehow avoid putting them into practice. Well, raise your right hand and swear along me…. " I (state your name) swear on great father Mort’s grave that I will cut the crap. I will stop my junk foods cycle and try my best to speed walk past all vending machines."

When offered seconds I’ll kindly tell my host to go fly a kite "No thank you, but do you have a doggie bag?". Then you and I will lace up our sneakers and go for a speed walk… so help me Snicker Bars.

There how does that feel? We’ve started!
Now as the Nike commercials start, Just do it…?
Gee, I just noticed it’s raining outside, maybe I can start being the new me tomorrow.


At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very, very disapointed at the lack of positive comments on your posts. Sure, the one about the funeral was kind of a downer but you do need to mix them up as not all of them can be the disgustingly sweet saccharine coated soft balls that sometimes appear.

Your comments today sound a bit like a precursor to an infomercial for a northwoods exercise regimine. No doubt something involving a chainsaw and rabid beaver.

It has promise, however. Let's meet and have six or eight "lite" beers and discuss.


At 8:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of your better blog entries.

Nine months of winter's hard exercise routines monitored by the Mrs. gives way to three (two?) months of summer over-indulgence.

But it was fun wasn't it?

PS Methinks you'll need a roadtrip now and again...and I'm not talking Omaha Schmidt!


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