Saturday, September 02, 2006

Down the road…

I am just out of ideas. They were baked fresh daily. Now they are as stall as last week’s buns. The battery needs recharging. Things seem to be out of wack. The ship has run aground. No, I am not going to pull a Vincent, I like both my ears where they are. However, the mental gas tank is 7/8’s dry.

Last week Rosebud took a drive across the Midwest and spent some time with other family members. She came home bouncing. She had a sparkle in her eye and a spring in her step. Not me… I got up this am and couldn’t shave and what I saw in the mirror needed a slap in the face. I tried and missed.

It’s time for a road trip before fall falls even if it’s a short one to the next county. No doubt for it will be for I am having a body part exchanged for a new one and the doctor is 150 miles south. A change of pace is required while I still have two legs that are both headed in the same direction.

I have only a problem or two with this idea, Tom and Fred, two friends that are lost without direction. They are up here milking summer for the last drop, Captain Morgan that is.

So this large trip out of town will only take a day or two covering a very short distance. Sometimes only a short jolt is required to charge a drained battery. This slight change of view should help and gain fodder for this blog sight!


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