Thursday, August 24, 2006

The eyes have it….

They are between your ears… the door to everyone’s personality and they tell everyone what kind of a day you are having and who the real you happens to be.
The other day we stopped to get boat gas and this fellow was opening the place comes out to see what we needed, "Gas" we replied. To that he told us that he was only the maintenance man and that the place wasn’t open for the day. It was around 8 am… we were fishing early. Our outboard engine was running on fumes due to a slight miscalculation so we asked if there was any way to get dockside gas….

He turned to use and said with shifty eyes , "Yaa, you got cash and I can get you gas, I don’t know how to use the credit card machine, only cash will do." We got our $60 of gas and I well think it , the cash, went into his pocket and not the owner’s. His eyes had told us a lot.

Last night we had dinner guests and during the evening I give several of them a copy of a small story I had written about our daughter who has battled CF. They thanked me by looking straight into my eyes. Their pipe line to their personality registered true sincerity for their was a bit of moisture in the corner of their eyes. Not much has to be spoken between friends, just a pat on the back and a smile.
If I have learned one thing dealing with people is that if you really wanted to get the true read on someone, look deep into their eyes and who blinks first is first man out.


At 9:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was with you that day and that dude was "slow witted" at best.

Behind his eyes there was nothing.

As to the book, it's on the nightstand. Congradulations!

At 12:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only "dim-witted", but dishonest and unethical. Your intuition was spot on.

Sounds like he ruined your day for you~ even though you got the much needed gas.

Bad karma goes around-- the dude will get his fair shair. Wish him well. And move on.


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