Monday, August 14, 2006

Pass the worms…

The boys went fishing. We were on the big lake in the big craft. Look out world, here’s comes the fish hawks. No need for a depth finder, GPS, lake maps… for the lake bottom (structure) is a given, the three of us cut our teeth on these waters.

Tackle, check… rods, check… beverage cooler, check… beer, check… ice, check… hooks and sinkers check… so off we shoved with a morning coffee in hand and the morning mist rising.

First came the banter like who kick butt on Golden Tee at Whitman’s and a lot of etc. We were heading to the Magic Spot known only to a few thousand other fishers (people). We were half way to our first hot spot when our navigator spotted something on the instrument panel. The gas gauge read an 1/8th. Our pilot told us that it must be in error for he had filled the gas tank several days prior….
Not wanting to hand paddle the 26’ craft against the wind for five day we did a visual and ya, the gauge was right. So we limped back to "home port", Lakeside Landing to top off the tank… then back on the water and out to sea to find "Little Table Top", the magic spot.

This spot is a raise from 45 feet to 12 feet and the smallmouth bass socialize there daily waiting for us to serve them breakfast. The problem is that its in the middle of a very large lake in an area thats windy. Its a miracle to hit it on the first pas .
To find the magic spot you position the boat mid way from Point B and Point A in one direction and in the other direction off a white sign and someone’s boathouse 3 miles across the lake. All this in a 20 mile an hour wind with an anchor that couldn’t hold a canoe.

Up and down with the anchor a dozen times it was and an hour later when we set to hook into the big ones…

" Say, could you pass me the worms?"… "What worms?"


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