Monday, August 07, 2006

The secret receipt…

You fire up the grill and the question is... what to put on it? Not here in Wisconsin, it’s Bratwurst and has been for thirty years. For those of you on the moon and never tired one you’ve missed the boat.

However, after thirty years of chowing on Brats it’s catching up to all of us here in cheese-land. Our state’s waistline has expanded with Brat’s popularity nation wide, and I do mean nation wide. Ten years ago we happened to be visiting family and friends in Hawaii.

It was in the fall and the Wisconsin Badgers were playing the Hawaii U. Warriors. We had tickets and it was time to tail gate…party on. We were prepared for a heart healthy parking brunch in the parking lot with pineapple on the grill with mango sauce. But the folks that we were staying with had stopped at the local market and sure enough there in the meat case were not only Brats but Johnville Brats, the Best!

Brat’s fame has grown and so have the choices… beef brats, turkey brats and cheese brats for heart health minded people. Now for cooking these jems… not only do you need a charcoal grill but you need a large pot into which you put two cans of beer, opened, pouring the beer over sliced onions. But here’s the debate.

Some people grill the brats first then place them into the cooking pot with the stewing onions. Then there is the PROPER way to cook Brats (imho) in my humble opinion…. you place the brats into the Beer/Onion stew and boil them first…them you grill them. In this way you don’t waste a drop of pork fat!
Then there is the matter of what goes on the cooked brat sitting there in its correct Brat Bun, and yes there is a correct Bun to use and not a hot dog bun, heaven forbid.

You add mustard and kraut only ...thank you.
If you disagree with this, tuff... get your own grill.


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aloha. It so happens that Hawaii has the highest per capita consumption of Spam also so the fact that brats were available is of little surprise. Your contention that Johnsonville has the best brats is hopefully qualified with a proviso that they are the best "nationally available". Clearly there are fresh brats available from north woods butcher shops that are superior.

Mustard - but of course. But what type - yellow, spicy brown, dijon, horseradish?


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Up North said...

Another cook out yesterday... it wasn't good for we were into the beer before using it in the Brats... we served small long chared black things. We being the chefs brothers Uncle Noise and Uncle Loud. A summer family feast is good soul food. chow.


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