Monday, July 24, 2006

Where am I? the waist line… part 4
It’s unhealthy, but it tastes good. It’s bad for you but it tastes good.
It’s heart healthy, but it tastes bad.
Do you see a correlation?

It’s there every day usually three times a day, meal time. Our parents never had a weight problem nor their parents. They went to the store and made their daily purchase and brought the stuff home and mom did her magic. If it tasted good who cared. There were no words of caution., diet wasn’t in their dictionary and a physical workout was manual labor job for 10 hours a day.

The milkman dropped off glass bottles of whole milk and picked up the empties. In the markets food was packed in simple dull cans or paper bags and you only had a choice of one and one or two produce items. The printing on the packaging was in pounds or ounces and not in chemical formulas that a college chem. professor couldn’t figure out. You had your choice of the four basic food groups. This was a time which required a little thought both in the limited choice of foods and it’s preparation.

It’s almost a lost art, cooking as well as shopping. Highly processed food, chemical preservatives and microwave ovens have taken a major part of the "ART of Life" away from us. As one who has suffered the consequences of fast foods, I just hope we find a pathway back to the pleasant dining room table with good friend, a bottle of the best and a time to enjoy your company….
To your health.


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