Monday, July 10, 2006

The nature blog I promised,
Global Cooling….

It’s the next big thing. I could retire for life on this one. I’ll write a book over the after effects of global warming and make hundreds of dollars, big money. They could even make a B grade movie from it and hire an x- v. president, Spiro Agnew as a consultant. The plot of the story is that mother earth really gets P.O.ed at man for drilling holes in it’s thick skin. It's the same as your doctor giving you a complete physical, bend over!

My book (then a movie) opens up with chapter one in which a series of volcanic eruptions hits mother Earth. We’d have around 30 to 40 big ones all happening that once. They’d be twice the size of Mt. St.Helens. This is very possible for it has occurred in Earth’s geological past dozens of times.

In the movie I’d cast Charlton Heston dressed in tiger skins running from a nursing home. These eruptions would press globe warming to the limit for about two weeks then we ‘d freeze our tails off heading back into the freezer.
I kid you not… this cycle has been going on for the past 40,000 years. But this time we are helping mother-nature along the way. Charlton Heston would then trade his tiger skin in for a wooly mammoth cape and led us to the promised-land on the moon.

The only real thing I got out of college was from my geology classes and the ability to drink a lot of beer. Geology drove home a sense of time and that we are here only for a wink in the history of this place. This is related to beer in the fact that if you've had too many beers then time drags. So much for heavy things, I am going on a rock hunt along the shore.
You never know went you can turn up a gem.


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