Friday, June 30, 2006

People Magazine… 6/30

Rosebud is hooked on them. She has friends and a daughter who save their copies for her. Why? To me it’s a complete waste. Maybe it wouldn’t be if we had an outhouse outback and People magazine could take the place of our old Sears catalog. Plus I have to ask, how much more can a person handle about Julia, Jessica, Britney, Brad, Jack and all the lala land (Hollywood) people?

Come on now! In the magazine’s first years they actually had articles covering real people along with the lala folks. I guess New York people want to hear about L.A. people and the opposite.

There are over 290,000 million people living in the US and the vast majority of them live off the two coast lines. Their stories are just as interesting as who ran off with who, or more so! But the people at PEOPLE who should be doing some digging for stories should travel "inland". Instead it’s the easy way out staffing two offices N.Y. & L.A. and rewriting news releases from studios and agencies.

So let’s you and I come out with a new magazine… REAL FOLKS. I am open for suggestions as to some people that we could cover… Like what’s O.J. up to now? Some of the articles could be… Who is the mayor of St. Louis and does anyone care? The 5 worst towns in America to live, The 20 ugliest folks in Amercia, and How to start your own junk yard and drive your neighbors bonkers.
Gad this publication could be big almost as big as MAD Magazine.


At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, OJ is the mayor of St Louis now. However, if he is the type of "Real Folk" you are contemplating covering it might miss the target market.

OJ could have a column on working through difficult relationships, Jeffrey Dahmer on cooking, Ed Gein on home decor. Wait a minute, two of three psychos from Wisconsin. Maybe "Wisconsin Real Folks"?



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