Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"A Walk in the Wood"… 6/28

It’s a book by Bill Byerson, a Des Moines native, so he can’t be half -bad. His book was a a gift from my son in law and I felt myself drawn to do something like it on a smaller scale, very smaller. However, don’t be miss led. Byerson’s walking the Applicaian Trail with an out of shape friend isn’t the best thing to do unless your have been in the fitness center for five months straight.

For people like you and me who haven’t a clue, day dreaming about a high adventure in the great outdoors is about as close as you want to get to wood tricks and their friends. Here is my ideal of a walk in the woods, it’s on water…

This p.m. after working 8 hours in our local resale shop (helping those that can’t, can) we came home for a fast dinner, burned burgers. After a brief evening storm we went canoeing on the lake. Katie our Springer was our guide. Rosebud was in the front and did the paddling and I sat back guiding the craft over t rock bars and a stump to where our loon family was having a late dinner, lake perch.

The sun was setting , it was a grand site watching the adult loons feed their chicks. Yesterday, we had bid a dear friend goodbye who was in here visiting from California… as we said farewell, she told us how lucky we were living where we were.

This isn’t Bill Byerson’s trail in the woods. It’s something better. So for all those who work their buns off in Des Monies, Omaha, Joliet, Fairfield and the bigger cities just to spend a two week vacation with us in our woods, thank you for not moving here or other wise we’d be another northern Chicago suburb. But with our new to Super Wal-Mart in the offing maybe we will be, progress sucks.


At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notwithstanding all the crazy boat traffic on your little pond, you are "somewhat" removed from the headaches and amenities of big city living.

Enjoy this period while it lasts because winter is coming soon...again.

At 8:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with this posting at 3:45 AM?? Loons and owls and other wild animals keeping you up at night? Or is that when you got in from partying with those people who only come up for two weeks a year?
Get some sleep - little ones are coming soon who will do their best to keep you awake (and smiling) all night.


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